“Meet the mind that handles the madness “


Zaynah, proudly from Western New York, brings a wealth of experience in corporate administration, project management, and business development. Her journey was ignited upon joining her first business and marketing team, where she found herself immersed in the vibrant world of entrepreneurial leadership. Surrounded by seasoned entrepreneurs and visionaries, she realized that life wasn’t confined to the repetitive 9-5 routine with the distant hope of retirement at 65.

"While I deeply respect those who pursue it, climbing the corporate ladder never quite felt like my path. However, deeply understanding and supporting top executives and directors in the corporate world, along with contributing to diverse groups and organizations through internships and nonprofit endeavors, was invaluable. I witnessed firsthand the challenges many leaders face and understood the importance of reliable assistance in enabling them and our teams to operate at their best. This experience prompted me to question how I could leverage my learnings, create solutions, and make a meaningful impact without the monotony of clocking in and out.“

“After years of navigating the daily grind and exploring various roles, I yearned for something more fulfilling. I wanted to channel my skills, expertise, and creativity into a venture with purpose—a space where I could support those committed to uplifting others, whether in their communities, ventures, or corporate roles. And thus, 'the Suite Spot' was born. Supporting those who support others has always been my calling."

”Faith and my relationship with God are the cornerstones of my life and work. My late mother, Brenda, instilled in me core values of faith, family, and seizing the opportunities life presents. She taught me the importance of working hard, cherishing relationships, and embracing life fully. In honoring her memory, I strive to embody these values daily."

Zaynah finds joy in being a continual student of life — exploring diverse subjects like psychology, theology, education, leadership & entrepreneurship. One day, she aspires to pursue further education in teaching & mentoring. Her vision includes creating programs that support young adults in starting a business and developing leadership and learning curriculum. Additionally, she aims to establish a nonprofit that provides mentorship opportunities to support others in their entrepreneurial endeavors.